Kaleidoscope Adventures has been a leader in the travel industry for almost 30 years. We curate customized travel experiences to top destinations with meticulous attention to detail and prioritize your safety and well-being.

We hold our partners to the highest standards by inspecting hotels and attractions, checking safety records of transporters, and ensuring quality dining. Our expert tour directors are knowledgeable and well-trained. We have a track record of success, which is why our clients return year after year.

We’ll put our years of experience, buying power, and top-notch reputation to work for you! That’s how KA does travel beyond expectations

About Trawick International:

Trawick International® is a full-service travel insurance provider specializing in travel related coverage for tourists, students, scholars, businesses, groups, and all other globe travelers.

When people feel secure, they can enjoy an experience to its fullest, instead of worrying about "what if". Safe Travels insurance policies give you the peace of mind you need to feel secure no matter where in the world you are headed and leaves you to focus on the reasons you are traveling.

No matter your destination, let Trawick International® handle all of your Trip Protection needs. We have vast experience and top-notch customer service available to keep you safe and healthy while traveling!

  • Plans underwritten by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company, Columbus, Ohio. In WA coverage is underwritten by Nationwide Life Insurance Company, Columbus, Ohio and Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company, Columbus, Ohio. Applicable to Policy forms NSIGTC 2000, NSHTC 2000, SRTC 2000, or state equivalent.
  • Nationwide® Mutual Insurance Company
  • Nationwide and the Nationwide N and Eagle are service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company